DevOps Series: Git Basics for Beginners

From Local to Remote Repositories

Monowar Mukul
3 min readNov 3, 2023


Git is a powerful version control system that helps you manage your code and collaborate with others effectively. In this two-part videos, we’ll cover Git basics, from the very beginning to more advanced concepts. In the first video, we’ll dive into the fundamentals of Git, and in the second video, we’ll explore merging, conflict management, stash, and remote repository management. Let’s begin our journey into the world of Git.

Part 1: Git Fundamentals

Video 1: Reference, Local Repository, Git Add, Commit, Diff, Tag, and Reset

1. Understanding Git as a Version Control System

Git is a distributed version control system that helps you keep track of changes in your codebase. It allows multiple developers to collaborate on a project efficiently.

2. Setting Up a Local Repository

To start using Git, you need to initialize a local repository. This is your workspace where you’ll make changes and commit them.

3. Git Add and Commit

With Git, you’ll use the git add command to stage changes you want to commit. Once your changes are staged, use git commit to create a snapshot of your code at that point in time.

4. Status of Files

In Git, you can check the status of files in your repository to see which files have been modified, added, or deleted. The git status command is used for this purpose. When you run `git status`, Git will display the current status of your working directory and staging area. The output typically includes information about:

1. Files that are untracked (not yet added to the staging area).
2. Files that are modified (changes have been made since the last commit).
3. Files that are staged (changes have been added to the staging area and are ready to be committed).
4. Branch information (the current branch and how many commits ahead or behind it is compared to the remote repository, if applicable).

The `git status` command is a valuable tool for keeping track of the state of your files and the progress of your work. It helps you identify which files need to be staged for commit and which ones are untracked or modified.

5. Viewing Differences with Git Diff

The git diff command helps you see the differences between your working directory and the last commit. It's a useful tool for reviewing your changes before committing.

6. Tagging Important Points in History

Tags are used to mark specific points in your Git history, like releases. You can create and manage tags with Git, making it easier to reference important milestones.

7. Resetting Changes

Git provides the git reset command to undo changes. Be cautious when using it, as it can alter your Git history.

Part 2: Advanced Git Techniques

Video 2: Merging, Conflict Management, Stash, and Remote Repository Management

1. Merging Branches

In collaborative projects, multiple developers often work on separate branches. The git merge command allows you to combine changes from one branch into another.

2. Conflict Management

When two branches have conflicting changes, Git will identify conflicts that need manual resolution. We’ll explore techniques to resolve these conflicts gracefully, ensuring that your team’s collective work remains harmonious.

3. Using Git Stash

The git stash command lets you save changes that aren't ready to be committed. It's a useful tool for temporarily setting aside your work to switch to another task without losing your work..

4. Managing Remote Repositories

Modern development often involves working with remote repositories and teams distributed worldwide. We’ll learn how to work with remote repositories, including cloning, pulling, pushing, and creating pull requests, equipping you to be a proficient collaborator in the global development landscape.


Git is not just a tool but a fundamental skill that sets you on a path to becoming a professional developer. Whether you’re working on your personal projects or contributing to open-source endeavors, mastering Git’s basics and advanced techniques is crucial. As you continue to explore the world of software development, you’ll find that Git is your trusty companion on this exciting journey. Stay tuned for more in-depth tutorials and advanced topics to elevate your development skills. Happy coding!



Monowar Mukul

Monowar Mukul is a Cloud Solution Architect Professional. /*The statements and opinions expressed here are my own & nothing with my present or past employer*/