DevOps Series: Jenkins CI-CD Automation: A Professional Guide in Three Parts

Monowar Mukul
3 min readDec 30, 2023


Navigating the DevOps Horizon: A Masterclass in Jenkins Automation

In the dynamic world of DevOps, where speed and reliability are paramount, Jenkins has emerged as a linchpin for efficient and scalable automation. This three-part video series is meticulously crafted to guide you through the essential aspects of Jenkins. It provides a comprehensive understanding of its capabilities and how to harness them effectively in your DevOps pipeline.

DevOps is a fusion of development and operations, embodying a cultural shift and a set of practices. It aims to automate and improve collaboration between software development and IT operations teams, shortening the system development life cycle and delivering high-quality software continuously.

Role of Jenkins in DevOps
An open-source automation server, Jenkins plays a pivotal role in the DevOps lifecycle. It facilitates continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD), automating the building, testing, and deployment of software. Jenkins is the orchestrator, ensuring a seamless and efficient pipeline from code development to production.

Part 1: Establishing a Solid Foundation

  • Install Jenkins Software
    The first step in our journey involves installing Jenkins on your system.
  • Configure Jenkins Software
    Dive deep into the configuration settings of Jenkins, tailoring it to your needs. This section highlights the importance of customization in optimizing Jenkins for your unique CI/CD requirements.
  • Create a User and set up a Security
    Security is paramount. Learn to create user accounts and implement robust security measures to safeguard your Jenkins instance. This ensures a protected environment and data integrity throughout your automation processes.
  • Create Freestyle Job with Shell Commands
    Explore the creation of a freestyle job incorporating powerful shell commands. Delve into source code management intricacies for efficient project handling, setting the stage for streamlined automation.
  • Basic Admin Tasks
    Gain insights into essential administrative tasks for managing and optimizing your Jenkins environment. This section ensures that your automation infrastructure runs smoothly, meeting the demands of your dynamic development lifecycle.

Part 2: Unleashing Advanced Automation with Jenkins

  • Setting up Git Webhook:
    Discover how to seamlessly trigger Jenkins jobs with Git webhooks, automate your workflow, and enhance efficiency.
  • Maven Installation and Plugin Setup
    Navigate the installation of Maven and the configuration of essential plugins. Learn how to fine-tune your Jenkins environment specifically for Maven-based projects, optimizing your build processes.
  • Deploy Pipeline Jobs with Maven Tools
    Dive into the intricate world of deployment pipeline jobs using Maven tools. Understand the complexities of deploying applications and managing dependencies seamlessly. This section caters to beginners and seasoned Jenkins users, offering valuable insights and practical guidance to elevate your automation strategies.

Part 3: Advanced Jenkins Configurations for Professionals

  • Email Notification Setup (e.g., Gmail):
    Configure email notifications within Jenkins to stay informed about crucial build statuses and updates. Enhance communication and keep your team in the loop with automated alerts.
  • Slave Server Setup
    Explore the realm of distributed builds by setting up a Jenkins Slave Server. Optimize resources and scale your automation by efficiently distributing workloads. Tailored for professionals, this final part provides essential insights into advanced Jenkins configurations, offering expert tips and hands-on guidance for a smoother and more sophisticated automation experience.

Mastering Jenkins is not just about understanding a tool; it’s about empowering your organization to thrive in DevOps. As you embark on or enhance your journey with Jenkins, remember that automation is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Tailor your Jenkins instance to meet the unique demands of your projects, ensuring a harmonious integration of automation into your development processes.

This three-part video series aims to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to harness the full potential of Jenkins. Whether you’re a novice looking to establish a strong foundation or a seasoned professional seeking advanced configurations, the goal remains the same — elevate your DevOps practices.

As you implement the insights gained from this series, remember that Jenkins is a tool that evolves with your needs. Stay curious, explore new features, and adapt Jenkins to the ever-changing software development landscape. Happy automating, and may your CI/CD pipelines run smoother than ever!



Monowar Mukul

Monowar Mukul is a Cloud Solution Architect Professional. /*The statements and opinions expressed here are my own & nothing with my present or past employer*/