DevOps Series: Mastering Infrastructure as Code (IaC) with Terraform: A Comprehensive Guide

Monowar Mukul
6 min readJan 1, 2024


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In the ever-evolving landscape of modern technology, the imperative adoption of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) emerges as a pivotal catalyst for achieving efficient and scalable infrastructure management. At the forefront of this paradigm shift stands Terraform, an industry-leading IaC tool meticulously crafted by HashiCorp. This comprehensive blog post serves as your definitive guide, navigating you through the intricate facets of Terraform, from its initial installation to the mastery of advanced functionalities. To accompany this written compendium, explore the practical implementations within our [GitHub repository]. As a complement to your learning journey, we invite you to partake in a corresponding video tutorial available on our esteemed YouTube. This visual expedition provides step-by-step demonstrations, enriching your understanding of Terraform’s nuanced concepts and best practices.

Terraform Installation:

Download Terraform: Visit the official Terraform website and download the appropriate version for your operating system.

Install Terraform: Follow the installation instructions provided for your specific operating system.

Configure AWS CLI:

The strategic alignment of Terraform with cloud providers, notably AWS, necessitates a seamless configuration of the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI). This section elucidates the intricacies of this integration, establishing a harmonious link between Terraform and your AWS environment.

Set AWS User Credentials:

A conscientious approach to security is paramount when orchestrating cloud resources. This segment guides you through the meticulous setup of AWS user credentials, adhering rigorously to best practices for access control.

Basic Commands (Main):

The below commands are essential for managing infrastructure using Terraform, providing a structured approach from initializing a project to making and applying changes, and finally, tearing down the infrastructure when needed.

i. Initialize (terraform init): Initializes a new or existing Terraform configuration, downloading the necessary providers and modules.

ii. Validate (terraform validate): Checks the configuration files for syntax errors and validates the configuration against best practices.

iii. Plan (terraform plan): Creates an execution plan detailing the changes that Terraform will make to achieve the desired infrastructure state.

iv. Apply (terraform apply): Applies the changes described in the execution plan. This may create, modify, or delete infrastructure resources.

v. Destroy (terraform destroy): Destroys all the resources defined in the Terraform configuration, effectively tearing down the infrastructure.

Configure Setup:

Immerse yourself in the art of structuring Terraform configurations with finesse. Explore the nuances of variables, modules, and industry best practices for cultivating a codebase that is not only elegant but also scalable.

Configure Providers:

  1. Open a text editor to create a Terraform configuration file (e.g.,
  2. Define the cloud provider or infrastructure backend you want to use. For example, to configure AWS, you might use:
provider "aws" {
region = "us-east-1"

3. Initialize the Configuration:

  • Open a terminal or command prompt in the directory where your Terraform configuration is located.
  • Run terraform init to initialize the configuration and download any necessary plugins.

4. Create Resources:

  • Define the infrastructure resources you want to create in your Terraform configuration file. For example, to create an AWS S3 bucket:
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "example_bucket" {
bucket = "my-example-bucket"
acl = "private"

5. Validate the Configuration:

  • Run terraform validate to check the syntax and validity of your configuration.

State Function:

Terraform state management is a critical aspect of the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) process. Understanding and managing Terraform state is crucial for maintaining the integrity and consistency of your infrastructure across different stages of development and deployment. The state file is sensitive and should be handled with care to avoid conflicts and data corruption. The state file, typically named terraform.tfstate, is generated and maintained by Terraform to record the state of your infrastructure.

  1. Viewing Current State: Use terraform show to display the current state information.
  2. State Initialization: Running terraform init initializes the state and sets up the backend for storing it. This is done automatically during the initialization process.
  3. Moving State Files: The terraform state mv command can be used to move resources within the state file.
  4. Tainting Resources: The terraform taint command marks a resource as tainted, indicating that it needs to be recreated on the next terraform apply.
  5. Importing Existing Resources: Use terraform import to bring existing resources under Terraform management.
  6. Refreshing State: terraform refresh updates the state file with the real-world infrastructure, reflecting any changes that might have occurred outside of Terraform.

Format, Output, Debug:

Terraform provides features for formatting, outputting information, and debugging to enhance the development and management of infrastructure code. Below commands and settings are valuable for maintaining a clean and consistent codebase, retrieving important information from your Terraform outputs, and troubleshooting issues by inspecting detailed logs during development and execution.

  • Format (terraform fmt): is used to rewrite Terraform configuration files in a consistent style and format.
  • Output (terraform output): retrieves the output values defined in your Terraform configuration. Output values are often used to expose information about the infrastructure after it has been created.
  • Debug (TF_LOG): Terraform provides debug information through the TF_LOG environment variable. Setting TF_LOG to different values (TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, or ERROR) controls the verbosity of Terraform’s logs.

Deploy EC2 and AWS S3:

Embark on a practical journey with the provisioning of EC2 and an AWS S3 bucket using Terraform. Decode the anatomy of a Terraform configuration for AWS resources, extrapolating these principles to navigate other intricate AWS services.

  • The terraform init command initializes the working directory, and terraform apply creates the resources defined in the Terraform configuration.

3. Verify and Confirm: Review the proposed changes and type yes to apply the changes.

4. Destroy Resources (Optional): terraform destroy

Deploy AWS S3 Bucket using Terraform:

Creating an AWS S3 bucket using Terraform involves defining the necessary configurations. Below is a simple example:

  1. Update Terraform Configuration File (e.g.,
provider "aws" {
region = "us-east-1"

resource "aws_s3_bucket" "example_bucket" {
bucket = "my-example-bucket"
acl = "private"

2. Initialize and Apply the Configuration: The terraform init command initializes the working directory, and terraform apply creates the S3 bucket.

3. Verify and Confirm: Review the proposed changes and type yes to apply the changes.

4. To remove the created S3 bucket, use the terraform destroy command.

These examples are basic and serve as a starting point. You can customize the configurations based on your specific requirements, including additional settings, dependencies, and security configurations. Always review and understand the changes before applying them to your AWS environment.


In Terraform, a workspace is a feature that allows you to create and manage multiple instances of the same set of infrastructure configurations within a single root module. Workspaces are useful for separating different environments (such as development, testing, and production) or different components of a system, allowing you to maintain distinct state files for each instance.

Key Points:

  • Isolation: Workspaces provide a level of isolation by maintaining separate state files for each environment or instance. This allows you to manage different configurations without interference.
  • Default Workspace: Terraform automatically creates a default workspace named “default” when you initialize a new configuration. Initially, all Terraform commands operate on this default workspace.
  • Creating a Workspace: You can create additional workspaces using the terraform workspace new command.
  • Listing Workspaces: Use terraform workspace list to view the list of available workspaces.
  • Switching Workspaces: The terraform workspace select <dev> command allows you to switch between workspaces.
  • Workspace-Specific State: Each workspace has its own state file (e.g., terraform.tfstate.d/workspace_name) to track the resources specific to that workspace.
  • Variables and Configuration: You can use workspace-specific variables in your Terraform configurations to customize settings for each environment.
  • Deleting Workspaces: To remove a workspace, use terraform workspace delete.


In the span of an hour video including this meticulous guide has equipped you with the foundational knowledge to wield Terraform as a masterful conductor of Infrastructure as Code. Your journey towards mastery continues — happy coding!

Authors Bio

Monowar Mukul, who is currently working as a Solution Designer in the Cloud domain. Monowar Mukul has over two decades of experience in IT management and hands-on work with various technologies (Infrastruture, Database, Applications, DevOps). He worked in large-scale IT transformation projects focused on business goals, such as next-gen platform migrations, and Cloud adoption through XaaS programs. He has worked across diverse business sectors in Australia, including tertiary education, energy, government, mining, transport, and finance. Additionally, Monowar Mukul achieved certifications from all four major cloud vendors, namely AWS (Amazon Web Services) Solution Architect Professional, Azure Solution Architecture Certified Expert (Microsoft Azure), Google Professional Cloud Architect (Google Cloud Platform) and Oracle Certified Architect Professional.



Monowar Mukul

Monowar Mukul is a Cloud Solution Architect Professional. /*The statements and opinions expressed here are my own & nothing with my present or past employer*/