PostgreSQL Database Management- DBA Basics
Management of user, role, schema, database, tablespace, tables, and autovacuum
In the previous article, I have shown all the necessary steps to install PostgreSQL 12 on the Linux system for a single development or learning PostgreSQL environment. In the article first, I will go through PostgreSQL user, role and schema management and then I will go through Database, Tablespace, Table and Vacuum process management.
Part 1. user, role and schema management
Summary commands that I used on this video are as below -
Roles [ Create | List | Drop]
create Roles
postgres=# CREATE ROLE oracledba;
List of roles
postgres=# \du+
Drop Roles
postgres=# DROP ROLE oracledba;User [Create | List | Drop]
create User
User with full access
postgres=# create user pgdbadmin in role oracledba;
List of users
postgres=# \du+
Drop User
postgres=# drop user pgdbadmin;Schema [Create | List | Drop]
create Schema
User with full access
postgres=# create Schema pgdbadmin1;
List of Schema
postgres=# \dn+
Drop Schema
postgres=# drop Schema pgdbadmin;
Part 2: Database, Tablespace, Table, and Vacuum management.
Summary commands that I used on this video are as below -
Database [Create | List | Rename | Drop ]
Create Database
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE portaldbtst OWNER liferay7de TABLESPACE pg_default;
List of Database
postgres=# \l+
Rename Database
postgres=# alter database “demodba1” rename to “demodb2”;
Connection to a specific database
postgres=# \c demodb2
Drop Database
postgres=# DROP DATABASE demodb2;
postgres=# \l+
List of tablespace
postgres=# \db+Tablespace [Create | List | Describe | Drop a table]
Create a new tablespace
Note: Avoid to create under data_directory, it will create tablespace with a message
mkdir -p /var/lib/pgsql/tbs
postgres=# create tablespace testtdbs location ‘/var/lib/pgsql/tbs’;
Move database to different tablespace
postgres=# alter database dbadb tablespace testtdbs;
Modify Default tablespace
postgres=# alter database dbadb tablespace pg_default;
Drop newly created tablespace
postgres=# drop tablespace testtdbs;Tables [Create | List | Describe | Drop a table]
Create a table
postgres=# create table testdba (col1 varchar);
postgres=# create table dedlktst (code varchar, region varchar, population integer);
List of tables
postgres=# \dt+
Insert data to tables
postgres=# create table dedlktst (code varchar, region varchar, population integer);
postgres=# insert into dedlktst values (‘BNG’, ‘South Asia’, ‘5000’);
Describing a particular table
postgres=# \d dedlktst
Query a particular table
postgres=# SELECT code,region,population FROM dedlktst WHERE code IN (‘BNG’,’AUS’);
Drop a table
postgres=# drop table testdba;
postgres=# \dt+
Tables — List of relations
++++++++++++++postgres=# \dt *.*
Get the autovacuum launcher process
$ ps -eaf | egrep "/post|autovacuum"
postgres 83571 83564 0 12:31 ? 00:00:00 postgres: autovacuum launcher process
Vacuum status
postgres=# show autovacuum;
(1 row)
Disable Autovacuum on a Table
postgres=# create table test(col1 varchar);
postgres=# ALTER TABLE test SET (autovacuum_enabled = false);
postgres=# SELECT reloptions
postgres-# FROM pg_class
postgres-# WHERE relname = 'test';
(1 row)
Database Level
postgres=# SELECT set_config('autovacuum','off',false);
ERROR: parameter "autovacuum" cannot be changed now
We need to modify configuration file -i) modify postgresql.conf file
autovacuum = off
ii) restart the database services
$ sudo /bin/systemctl restart postgresql-12
iii) validate
$ sudo su — postgres
$ psql
postgres=# show autovacuum;
— — — — — —
(1 row)
I hope this article will give you a very good understanding of how to manage user, schema, roles, tablespace, tables, and vacuum processes into PostgreSQL database.